Package-level declarations


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data class BlockedTimeRange(val start: Long, val end: Long, val reason: String? = null, val id: String? = null) : TimeRange, Parcelable

Represents a time range that is blocked for playback. When the player reaches the start time of a blocked range, it will immediately seek to the end time, effectively skipping the blocked portion. This behavior is enforced regardless of the reason or id associated with the block.

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data class Chapter(val id: String, val start: Long, val end: Long, val mediaMetadata: MediaMetadata) : TimeRange, Parcelable

Represents a chapter.

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sealed interface Credit : TimeRange, Parcelable

Represents an opening or a closing credit.

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sealed interface TimeRange

Represents a time range within a media playback timeline.


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fun <T : TimeRange> List<T>.firstOrNullAtPosition(position: Long): T?

Returns the first TimeRange element in the list that contains the specified position.