Package-level declarations


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sealed interface SubtitleTextSize

Represents the text size for subtitles.


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fun ExoPlayerControlView(player: Player, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

A Composable function that displays an ExoPlayer PlayerControlView.

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fun ExoPlayerSubtitleView(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, cues: List<Cue>? = null, captionStyle: CaptionStyleCompat? = null, subtitleTextSize: SubtitleTextSize? = null)

A Composable function that displays an ExoPlayer SubtitleView.

fun ExoPlayerSubtitleView(player: Player, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, captionStyle: CaptionStyleCompat? = null, subtitleTextSize: SubtitleTextSize? = null)

A Composable function that displays an ExoPlayer SubtitleView. It observes the active cues from the provided player and displays them in a SubtitleView.

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fun ExoPlayerView(player: Player, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, useController: Boolean = true, controllerAutoShow: Boolean = true, showNextButton: Boolean = true, showPreviousButton: Boolean = true, showBuffering: @PlayerView.ShowBuffering Int = PlayerView.SHOW_BUFFERING_NEVER, resizeMode: @AspectRatioFrameLayout.ResizeMode Int = AspectRatioFrameLayout.RESIZE_MODE_FIT, errorMessageProvider: ErrorMessageProvider<PlaybackException>? = null, fullScreenListener: PlayerView.FullscreenButtonClickListener? = null, controllerVisibilityListener: PlayerView.ControllerVisibilityListener? = null, @ColorInt shutterBackgroundColor: Int = 0, setupView: PlayerView.() -> Unit = {})

A Composable function that displays an ExoPlayer PlayerView.