Package-level declarations
Observe the Player.getAvailableCommands property as a State.
Observe the Player.getBufferedPercentage property, adjusted between 0 and 1, as a State.
Observe the Player.getCurrentMediaItemIndex property as a State.
Observe the Player.getMediaMetadata property as a State.
Observe the Player.getCurrentPosition property as a State.
Observe the Player.getDuration property as a State.
Observe the Player.getChapterAtPosition property as a State.
Observe the Player.getCreditAtPosition property as a State.
Observe the Player.getCurrentMediaItems property as a State.
Observe the PillarboxExoPlayer.getCurrentMetrics property as a State.
Observe whether the Player has any media items.
Observe the Player.isCurrentMediaItemLive property as a State.
Observe the Player.isPlaying property as a State.
Observe the Player.getMediaItemCount property as a State.
Observe the Player.getPlaybackSpeed property as a State.
Observe the Player.getPlaybackState property as a State.
Observe the Player.getPlayerError property as a State.
Observe the Player.getPlayWhenReady property as a State.
Observe the Player.getShuffleModeEnabled property as a State.
Observe the Player.getVideoSize property as a State.