
Provides a MediaSource for handling SRG SSR media URNs to Pillarbox. It basically converts an integration layer MediaComposition to a playable MediaSource.

The supported contents are:

  • On demand video and audio.

  • Live streams, with and without DRM.

  • Token-protected content.

  • DRM protected content.

  • 360° content (see SphericalSurfaceShowcase).


To use this module, add the following dependency to your module's build.gradle/build.gradle.kts file:


Getting started

Create the player

To play a URN content with PillarboxPlayer, you have to create it like this:

val player = PillarboxExoPlayer(context)
// Make the player ready to play content
// Will start playback when a MediaItem is ready to play

Create a MediaItem with URN

To tell PillarboxPlayer to load a specific MediaItem, it has to be created with SRGMediaItem:

val urn = "urn:rts:video:12345"

// MediaItem created on Prod with Vector.MOBILE
val mediaItem: MediaItem = SRGMediaItem(urn)

// Optionally customize the MediaItem
val customMediaItem: MediaItem = SRGMediaItem(urn) {

// Give the MediaItem to the player so it can be played

Handle error

All exceptions thrown by PillarboxMediaSource are caught by the player inside a PlaybackException.

PillarboxMediaSource can throw:

player.addListener(object : Player.Listener {
override fun onPlayerError(error: PlaybackException) {
when (val cause = error.cause) {
is BlockReasonException.StartDate -> Log.d("Pillarbox", "Content is blocked until ${cause.instant}")
is BlockReasonException -> Log.d("Pillarbox", "Content is blocked", cause)
is ResourceNotFoundException -> Log.d("Pillarbox", "No resources found in the chapter")
else -> Log.d("Pillarbox", "An error occurred", cause)

Going further

PillarboxMediaSource factory can be created with a MediaCompositionService, which can be used to retrieve a MediaComposition. You can create and provide your own implementation:

class CachedMediaCompositionService : MediaCompositionService {
private val mediaCompositionCache = mutableMapOf<Uri, MediaComposition>()

override suspend fun fetchMediaComposition(uri: Uri): Result<MediaComposition> {
if (uri in mediaCompositionCache) {
return Result.success(mediaCompositionCache.getValue(uri))

val mediaComposition = fetchMediaCompositionFromBackend(uri)
if (mediaComposition != null) {
mediaCompositionCache[uri] = mediaComposition

return Result.success(mediaComposition)
} else {
return Result.failure(IOException("$uri not found"))

Then, pass it to PillarboxExoPlayer:

val player = PillarboxExoPlayer(context) {
srgAssetLoader(context) {


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