Package-level declarations


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Represents the reason why a Chapter is blocked.

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data class Chapter(val urn: String, val title: String, val imageUrl: String, val mediaType: MediaType, val lead: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val blockReason: BlockReason? = null, val fullLengthUrn: String? = null, val fullLengthMarkIn: Long? = null, val fullLengthMarkOut: Long? = null, val listSegment: List<Segment>? = null, val listResource: List<Resource>? = null, val comScoreAnalyticsLabels: Map<String, String>? = null, val analyticsLabels: Map<String, String>? = null, val timeIntervalList: List<TimeInterval>? = null, val validFrom: Instant? = null, val validTo: Instant? = null, val spriteSheet: SpriteSheet? = null) : DataWithAnalytics

Represents a Chapter within a media.

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Represents data that can be associated with analytics tracking information.

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data class Drm(val type: Drm.Type, val licenseUrl: String, val certificateUrl: String? = null)

Represents Digital Rights Management (DRM) information for a media stream.

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data class MediaComposition(val chapterUrn: String, val listChapter: List<Chapter>, val comScoreAnalyticsLabels: Map<String, String>? = null, val analyticsLabels: Map<String, String>? = null) : DataWithAnalytics

Represents a media composition.

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Represents the type of media.

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object MediaUrn

This object provides functionality to validate whether a given String is a valid media URN.

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data class Resource(val url: String, val type: Resource.Type, val tokenType: Resource.TokenType = TokenType.NONE, val drmList: List<Drm>? = null, val comScoreAnalyticsLabels: Map<String, String>? = null, val analyticsLabels: Map<String, String>? = null) : DataWithAnalytics

Represents a media resource.

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data class Segment(val urn: String, val title: String, val markIn: Long, val markOut: Long, val blockReason: BlockReason? = null)

Represents a segment of a media item.

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data class SpriteSheet(val urn: String, val rows: Int, val columns: Int, val thumbnailHeight: Int, val thumbnailWidth: Int, val interval: Long, val url: String)

Represents a sprite sheet containing multiple thumbnail images arranged in a grid.

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data class TimeInterval(val markIn: Long?, val markOut: Long?, val type: TimeIntervalType?)

Represents a time interval.

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Represents the type of time interval.


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Checks if this is a valid media URN.