data class Chapter(val urn: String, val title: String, val imageUrl: String, val mediaType: MediaType, val lead: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val blockReason: BlockReason? = null, val fullLengthUrn: String? = null, val fullLengthMarkIn: Long? = null, val fullLengthMarkOut: Long? = null, val listSegment: List<Segment>? = null, val listResource: List<Resource>? = null, val comScoreAnalyticsLabels: Map<String, String>? = null, val analyticsLabels: Map<String, String>? = null, val timeIntervalList: List<TimeInterval>? = null, val validFrom: Instant? = null, val validTo: Instant? = null, val spriteSheet: SpriteSheet? = null) : DataWithAnalytics
Represents a Chapter within a media.
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constructor(urn: String, title: String, imageUrl: String, mediaType: MediaType, lead: String? = null, description: String? = null, blockReason: BlockReason? = null, fullLengthUrn: String? = null, fullLengthMarkIn: Long? = null, fullLengthMarkOut: Long? = null, listSegment: List<Segment>? = null, listResource: List<Resource>? = null, comScoreAnalyticsLabels: Map<String, String>? = null, analyticsLabels: Map<String, String>? = null, timeIntervalList: List<TimeInterval>? = null, validFrom: Instant? = null, validTo: Instant? = null, spriteSheet: SpriteSheet? = null)
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Labels for Commanders Act analytics.
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Reason for blocking the chapter, if applicable.
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Labels for ComScore analytics.
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A detailed description of the chapter.
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Start time of the chapter within the full-length media (in milliseconds).
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End time of the chapter within the full-length media (in milliseconds).
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URN of the full-length media this chapter is a part of.
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Indicates whether this represents a full-length chapter.
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List of resources associated with this chapter.
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List of segments within this chapter.
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The SpriteSheet information if available.
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List of time intervals relevant to the chapter.
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Converts the Chapter.blockReason into a BlockReasonException.