
An exception thrown when a Chapter is blocked for a specific reason. The specific reason is indicated by the type of BlockReasonException thrown.

Each subclass of BlockReasonException corresponds to a specific BlockReason and provides a messageResId containing a user-friendly localized message describing the block reason.

Checking the blocking reason

val exception: BlockReasonException
when (exception) {
is BlockReasonException.GeoBlock -> Log.d("Pillarbox", "This chapter is geo-blocked")
is BlockReasonException.StartDate -> Log.d("Pillarbox", "This chapter will be available on ${exception.instant}.")
is BlockReasonException.EndDate -> Log.d("Pillarbox", "This chapter is no longer available since ${exception.instant}.")
// Handle other types...



The exception message.



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Represents an exception thrown when a Chapter is blocked due to an age rating of 12. This corresponds to BlockReason.AGERATING12.

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Represents an exception thrown when a Chapter is blocked due to an age rating of 18. This corresponds to BlockReason.AGERATING18.

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Represents an exception thrown when a Chapter is blocked for commercial reason. This corresponds to BlockReason.COMMERCIAL.

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class EndDate(val instant: Instant?) : BlockReasonException

Represents an exception thrown when a Chapter is blocked due to reaching its end date. This corresponds to BlockReason.ENDDATE.

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Represents an exception thrown when a Chapter is blocked due to geographical restrictions. This corresponds to BlockReason.GEOBLOCK.

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Represents an exception thrown when a Chapter is blocked for journalistic reason. This corresponds to BlockReason.JOURNALISTIC.

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Represents an exception thrown when a Chapter is blocked due to legal reasons. This corresponds to BlockReason.LEGAL.

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class StartDate(val instant: Instant?) : BlockReasonException

Represents an exception thrown when a Chapter is blocked due to its start date being in the future. This corresponds to BlockReason.STARTDATE.

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Represents an exception thrown when a Chapter is blocked for an unknown reason. This corresponds to BlockReason.UNKNOWN.


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open val cause: Throwable?
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open override val localizedMessage: String?
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open val message: String?
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An Android resource id pointing to a localized string describing the block reason.

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open override var stackTrace: Array<out StackTraceElement?>?
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override val suppressed: Array<out Throwable?>?