
data class LoadDuration(val source: Duration? = null, val manifest: Duration? = null, val asset: Duration? = null, val drm: Duration? = null, val timeToReady: Duration? = null)

Load duration Represents the timings until the current media started to play.


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constructor(source: Duration? = null, manifest: Duration? = null, asset: Duration? = null, drm: Duration? = null, timeToReady: Duration? = null)


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val asset: Duration? = null

The time spent to load the asset.

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val drm: Duration? = null

The time spent to load the DRM.

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val manifest: Duration? = null

The time spent to load the main manifest if applicable.

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val source: Duration? = null

The time spent to load the media source.

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val timeToReady: Duration? = null

The time spent to load from the moment the MediaItem became the current item until it started to play.