Package-level declarations
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data class ErrorMessageData(val duration: Long?, val log: String, val message: String, val name: String, val position: Long?, val positionTimestamp: Long?, val url: String) : MessageData
Represents a Player error to send to a monitoring server.
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data class EventMessageData(val bandwidth: Long, val bitrate: Long, val bufferDuration: Long, val duration: Long, val playbackDuration: Long, val position: Long, val positionTimestamp: Long?, val stall: EventMessageData.Stall, val streamType: EventMessageData.StreamType, val url: String, val vpn: Boolean?, val frameDrops: Int) : MessageData
Represents a generic event, which contains metrics about the current media stream.
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data class Message(val data: MessageData, val eventName: Message.EventName, val sessionId: String, val timestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(), val version: Int = 1)
Represents a monitoring message.
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Represents the base interface for all data carried by monitoring messages.
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data class Session(val device: Session.Device, val media: Session.Media, val operatingSystem: Session.OS = OS(
), val player: Session.Player = Player(
platform = PLATFORM_NAME,
), val qoeTimings: Timings.QoE = Timings.QoE(), val qosTimings: Timings.QoS = Timings.QoS(), val screen: Session.Screen) : MessageData
Represents a monitoring session, which encapsulates information about the device, current media, player, and performance metrics.