
data class Session(val device: Session.Device, val media: Session.Media, val operatingSystem: Session.OS = OS( name = PLATFORM_NAME, version = OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION, ), val player: Session.Player = Player( name = PLAYER_NAME, platform = PLATFORM_NAME, version = PLAYER_VERSION, ), val qoeTimings: Timings.QoE = Timings.QoE(), val qosTimings: Timings.QoS = Timings.QoS(), val screen: Session.Screen) : MessageData

Represents a monitoring session, which encapsulates information about the device, current media, player, and performance metrics.


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constructor(device: Session.Device, media: Session.Media, operatingSystem: Session.OS = OS( name = PLATFORM_NAME, version = OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION, ), player: Session.Player = Player( name = PLAYER_NAME, platform = PLATFORM_NAME, version = PLAYER_VERSION, ), qoeTimings: Timings.QoE = Timings.QoE(), qosTimings: Timings.QoS = Timings.QoS(), screen: Session.Screen)
constructor(context: Context, media: Session.Media, qoeTimings: Timings.QoE, qosTimings: Timings.QoS)


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data class Device(val id: String, val model: String, val type: Session.Device.Type?)

Represents information about the device.

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data class Media(val assetUrl: String, val id: String, val metadataUrl: String, val origin: String)

Represents information about the media being played.

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data class OS(val name: String, val version: String)

Represents information about the operating system.

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data class Player(val name: String, val platform: String, val version: String)

Represents information about the player.

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data class Screen(val height: Int, val width: Int)

Represents the information about a device's screen.


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Information about the device.

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Information about the media being played.

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Information about the device's operating system.

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Information about the player.

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@SerialName(value = "qoe_timings")
val qoeTimings: Timings.QoE

Quality of Experience timings, representing user-perceived performance metrics related to media loading and playback.

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@SerialName(value = "qos_timings")
val qosTimings: Timings.QoS

Quality of Service timings, representing pre-playback performance metrics gathered during resource loading.

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Information about the device's screen.